

NDB stores all the records in an SQL database. By default it uses the SQLite3 module, which is a part of the Python stdlib, so no extra packages are required:

# SQLite3 -- simple in-memory DB
ndb = NDB()

# SQLite3 -- same as above with explicit arguments
ndb = NDB(db_provider='sqlite3', db_spec=':memory:')

# SQLite3 -- file DB
ndb = NDB(db_provider='sqlite3', db_spec='test.db')

It is also possible to use a PostgreSQL database via psycopg2 module:

# PostgreSQL -- local DB
ndb = NDB(db_provider='psycopg2',
          db_spec={'dbname': 'test'})

# PostgreSQL -- remote DB
ndb = NDB(db_provider='psycopg2',
          db_spec={'dbname': 'test',
                   'host': ''})

Database backup

Built-in database backup is implemented now only for SQLite3 backend. For the PostgresSQL backend you have to use external utilities like pg_dump:

# create an NDB instance
ndb = NDB()  # the defaults: db_provider='sqlite3', db_spec=':memory:'
# dump the DB to a file

SQL schema

By default NDB deletes the data from the DB upon exit. In order to preserve the data, use NDB(db_cleanup=False, ...)

Here is an example schema (may be changed with releases):

            List of relations
 Schema |       Name       | Type  | Owner
 public | addresses        | table | root
 public | af_bridge_fdb    | table | root
 public | af_bridge_ifs    | table | root
 public | af_bridge_vlans  | table | root
 public | enc_mpls         | table | root
 public | ifinfo_bond      | table | root
 public | ifinfo_bridge    | table | root
 public | ifinfo_gre       | table | root
 public | ifinfo_gretap    | table | root
 public | ifinfo_ip6gre    | table | root
 public | ifinfo_ip6gretap | table | root
 public | ifinfo_ip6tnl    | table | root
 public | ifinfo_ipip      | table | root
 public | ifinfo_ipvlan    | table | root
 public | ifinfo_macvlan   | table | root
 public | ifinfo_macvtap   | table | root
 public | ifinfo_sit       | table | root
 public | ifinfo_tun       | table | root
 public | ifinfo_vlan      | table | root
 public | ifinfo_vrf       | table | root
 public | ifinfo_vti       | table | root
 public | ifinfo_vti6      | table | root
 public | ifinfo_vxlan     | table | root
 public | interfaces       | table | root
 public | metrics          | table | root
 public | neighbours       | table | root
 public | netns            | table | root
 public | nh               | table | root
 public | p2p              | table | root
 public | routes           | table | root
 public | rules            | table | root
 public | sources          | table | root
 public | sources_options  | table | root
(33 rows)

rtnl=# select f_index, f_ifla_ifname from interfaces;
 f_index | f_ifla_ifname
       1 | lo
       2 | eth0
      28 | ip_vti0
      31 | ip6tnl0
      32 | ip6_vti0
   36445 | br0
   11434 | dummy0
       3 | eth1
(8 rows)

rtnl=# select f_index, f_ifla_br_stp_state from ifinfo_bridge;
 f_index | f_ifla_br_stp_state
   36445 |                   0
(1 row)

Database upgrade

There is no DB schema upgrade from release to release. All the data stored in the DB is being fetched from the OS in the runtime, thus no persistence required.

If you're using a PostgreSQL DB or a file based SQLite, simply drop all the tables from the DB, and NDB will create them from scratch on startup.